Try to say that To the dead of yesterday That they die was As snow On the eyelids
Try to say this To the dead of today That they die East Like black chalk On the sidewalk
Try to say this To you even passing That your next death Will be As moving sand In your vain hand
Try to say this To the silences of the parties Sister, brother, friend Father, mother, grandparents To the fighters, the resistance fighters To convicted militants At the fallen of the attacks To the innocent victims Torn children
Go and say this To your many dead That none of them Is in the extinguisher That they are glorious In our memories,
What their mirror name resonates When the galaxies turn In the evening fire
Not a single night Of Earth intertwined with stars in rain Not revealed without them being here
Go and tell them That no god Watch over them Let only our thoughts rise in prayer What we will bring To the angels and the spirits Peace of the Soul The solar rest Their presence in our stories ,
Go and tell them That they will have no more trouble A wandering in the queen shadow That we will love them Well beyond Songs Learned transmitting The flame, love, remembrance Human generations For thousands of years So that on Healthy Earth One day Here, here Either the man in harmony With life, Nature, her brothers, Time and the universe