Frontier (Soundtrack NAIA )

par Hervé Dalle Nogare  -  6 Juin 2017, 02:50

Frontier  (Soundtrack NAIA )






Beyond the border, I run towards the light
Beyond the border, I am the line and I run to lose breath

See Men leaving, women alone, wandering children
View Dust fields, the rising wind, the burning sun
Have Always Fear, Always Hunger, Always the Night in the Belly
Hands dug, eyes lowered, face wrinkled

Knowing Lowering your head, kissing your hand, lowering your voice
Knowing Folding your back, being on your knees, without a roof and without a law
Knowing to be without water and without rain, without land and without mother, at night for landmark
Nothing but sand, dust to absorb my tears

In countries of white skies where the ocean melts to the ocean
Where the horizon itself is a boundary
Wanting to be a single day standing upright and alive
The soul in the eyes the whole breath and the open heart
Being able to be for a minute an hour,
A free, worthy man who can no longer be subjected

To be able to make his exit trip his trajectory
Hidden in the bottom of a boat of a boat,
Behind cases where in the belly of a truck
Take buses, go along rails, make night roads, take trains to the last station
Skipping grids, cutting fences, skipping gates
And escape to take life, take shape,

Beyond the border, I run towards the light
Beyond the border, I am the line and I run to lose breath

HDN October 2006 published in November 2016



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