Playing for Change
English and Spanish texts following
Great Soundtrack Playing for Change'
A Song Around the World
Se réjouir
Vivre et mourir
Avec son âme d’enfant
Partager un désir d’avenir
Voilà un vieillir autrement
Joyeux et désobéissant
HDN Septembre 2018
To be surprised
To be marvel
Be delighted
Live and die
With his child soul
Playing for change
Share a desire for future
That's another aging
Happy and Wise
HDN September 2018
Clandestino | Playing For Change | Song Around The World
Download this song/video here: We are excited to share another Song Around The World with all of you! "Clandestino" is a song of the people and this video represents the hearts
Changement de Civilisation ? Marc Luyckx Ghisi [EN DIRECT]
Interview en direct de Marc Luyckx, mercredi 15/11/2017 à 18h15. Début : 07:07 SOURCEZ, VERIFIER LES FAITS EN DIRECT : S'inscrire : ...